Friday, September 14, 2007

From Prose to Poetry

Alright my Brothers,

It is time to flex your creative muscles and commit to some verse.

Pick a format: hip-hop, slam, stream of consciousness, free verse, blank verse, rhyme, or no rhyme scheme (if you don't know what the different poetic styles are, then look them up).

Then write a poem in which you incorporate at least ten vocabulary words in context (that is, using their intended meanings) with a theme from the novel as we discussed (or perhaps did not discuss) in class.

Again, the heading format is as follows

Your Name
Teacher's Name
Date Due (Tuesday)
Title of Poem

Play around with the idea of the theme, but do not be explicit as to what the theme actually is with which you are dealing in the poem. Let the reader guess. Consider what we did with illogic's lyrics. How might you shall we say, "spit a rhyme" that parallels with The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?



Matt Oczypok said...

Matt Oczypok
Bro. Rob Peach
Brit Lit: Sect. 5
Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007
“Pull Me Out”

My desire to get out, a conflagration,
What’s wrong with this messed up evil nation?
Stuck in this ‘hood, nothing to look toward,
Can’t convey from this cord.

The prostitutes, once innocent kids,
Tempt me with coquetry, heavy makeup on their lids.
The dealers roam the streets with their drug-bought accouterments,
Connoisseurs with their arrogant countenance.

I’m in a silent acquiescence,
Long gone is my childhood innocence.
A constant feeling of abhorrence,
Any a propos chance I get I’m leaving this allegiance.

ccviking23 said...

Casey Doyle
Bro. Rob Peach
English Sect. 5

Dr. Jekyll is a nice guy
He is a good scientist and he is fly
He keeps his feelings in his range
He is always wants to experience a change

Now on the other hand we have Mr. Hyde
He is mostly on the bad side
A lot of people think he is strange
But we know he goes through a change

shaneconway24 said...

Shane Conway
Bro. Rob Peach
Brit. Lit. Section 5
Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007
“The Ghetto”

As I look around this conflagration, this place I call home.
I see all the gangs in their accouterment of different colors,
Their duplicity in gang signs show off who they support.
Why do they have to hate on each other just because they live on
One side of the street or other, its all one place, the ghetto.

They think they have disparity
When really they are the same.
They convey guns and knives appropriate for their duty of killing
When they take out each other they try to demonstrate
The power one has over the other. I have to choose my side because of my denizen.
This choice has left me in a state of debility that I’m afraid could get me killed.
So I am going to doff this color of blue even if it causes me dismal
And try to restart my life and get out of this conflagration called the ghetto.

Fick1122 said...

Matt Fickley
Bro. Peach
British Lit.
September 18, 2007
Definition Poem

Can’t you see this dismal situation that I’m going through?
If you were me, you’d kill yourself too
Hyde is stripping me of everything I’ve completed and done
I haven’t given him acquiescence, but it’s too late; he has already won
Hyde is the conflagration that burns inside me
He conveys me to join an evil society
Of hatred and demonic actions that I can’t control
He’s my dark side eating away my body and soul
There is a big disparity between him and I
And I will no longer let him be a denizen in my
Body and unfortunately there is only one way out
Suicide is the only option, and I don’t doubt
That I will now be free of Hyde’s shackles and chain
Don’t be fooled now, this will get me out of my pain
So don’t be a connoisseur and judge who I am
I am saving others too; call me the paschal lamb
I’ve been playing draughts with Hyde for a long time
But now it has become way out of the line
It’s so bad now I’m nothing but a diaphanous part of my former self
I will disinter him from me and everyone else
So goodbye, its been real, but now its time to put this one on the shelf

Matt Donahue said...

Matt Donahue

Brother Robert Peach
Section 5
Due: Tuesday, September 18, 2007
“Accouterment for my Hopelessness”

With so much disparity in my life,
I have to learn to convey,
All of my innermost thoughts to my wife,
Or I will always feel dismay.

With few signs of acquiescence to peoples commands,
My thoughts of demonstrative behavior are few,
I find myself unable to conflagrate to anyone’s demands,
It’s like a draught of evil too.

Life is so dismal at times for so many and me,
I feel abhorrence to my deepest thoughts and desires,
There is debility in my being in which I now see,
I wish to be a connoisseur of my internal fires.

Matt Donahue said...

Matt Donahue

Brother Robert Peach
Section 5
Due: Tuesday, September 18, 2007
“Accouterment for my Hopelessness”

With so much disparity in my life,
I have to learn to convey,
All of my innermost thoughts to my wife,
Or I will always feel dismay.

With few signs of acquiescence to peoples commands,
My thoughts of demonstrative behavior are few,
I find myself unable to conflagrate to anyone’s demands,
It’s like a draught of evil too.

Life is so dismal at times for so many and me,
I feel abhorrence to my deepest thoughts and desires,
There is debility in my being in which I now see,
I wish to be a connoisseur of my internal fires.

chuckdest said...

Charles Destro
Br. Rob
British Literature
Good vs. Evil.

Two thresholds bid greeting to travelers filled with debility and defeat.
On the left a threshold created for those filled with duplicity and deceit.
Behind Conflagration and brimstone the connoisseur of the dead lay.
On the right the denizen of peace stood with justice to convey.
The happy had trod the rough path and were glad to see God.
The dismal took the easy path and apropos would always walk the quad.
Will you acquiesce to temptation and take the easy path ?
Or will you disinter the goodness from your heart, do the math.

Luke Kung-Fu said...

Luke Kunkel
Bro. Rob Peach
ENG 141 British Lit
Sept. 18, 2007
Inner Evils

Running from my denizen
Hiding from myself
The debility inside me
The dismal inner health

His ambition to control me
This connoisseur of hell
The disparity inside me
Locks me in my cell

Will I be diaphanous?
Disinter the former me?
Or will I doff my goodness.
And fall in duplicity?

dan said...

Daniel Schnelbach
Brother Robert Peach
British Literature
September 18, 2007
"The Conscience"

The conscience, a perennial battle of good vs. evil,
an irrepressible parley between God and zee deveel.
My thoughts, a conflagration of unmanning disparity
like an incongruous blend from an obscure apothecary.
Inexplicable, trying to parry these feelings
while my mind continues its multifarious dealings.
I fear if this goes on, my will could splinter
and a darker being inside me shall disinter.
And what if I can't reprove this maligned malefactor?
Well, at least I know DSims will always be "wacker"

Jordan said...

Jordan Page
Bro. Peach
Brit. Lit. Sec 5
Sept 18, 2007

“Feud of Good and Evil”

The turpitude of Hyde’s behavior,
rotted with duplicity and dismal sin.
The apothecary, blackened by the obscure
concoction of death.
The effervescence of Jekyll’s delight
contrasted with his coming gloomy death
His mirth was odious to the good people
Who witnessed his conflagration and demise..
The denizens of evil triumph.

Liam said...

Liam Halferty
Bro. Robert Peach
British Lit.
September 18, 2007
Evil Inside of Me

Am I just a denizen of this state of mental instability?
People scolding me, pointing out all of my debilities
I guess I’m stuck in this dismal disguise, and I can’t escape
But I’ve already conveyed to this identity, and it might be too late

This change it feels like a conflagration, burning all around me
It’s much too hard to live a life full of evil and duplicity
This life was so much different before, now it’s a disparity
Should I be demonstrative and find help? I need some clarity

When I’m Jekyll, I appear a different countenance than Hyde
And when I’m Hyde, I murder and by the rules I don’t abide
I want to disinter to the past, but the power inside makes me feel free
My friends tell the opposite, either way there is an evil inside of me.

John Czemerda said...

John Czemerda
Bro. Rob Peach F.S.C.
Brit Lit: section 5
Monday, Sept. 17, 2007

When you’re a problem, what to do?
The whole world is spitting on you.
You’re a denizen of the dark.
It’s like somewhere you got a mark.
You’re a problem to society,
And to the world you are debility.
Everyone wants to doff you,
And you want to run away.
You don’t want to be a problem.
Should you go or should you stay?
Well should you choose the former,
Then to you let me convey.
If you want to be no more,
Then suicide is the way.
You can look for a land,
Where they won’t hate you every day.
But they’ll cord your body up,
And roast you anyway.
Suicide is painless,
When you want it to come to you.
A draught of poison refuge,
And a solemn adu,
Drink the pain away,
For it all comes back to you.
Disinter your body,
they will one day.
Abhorrence in abundance,
My, the things that they will say.
Sure his life was dismal,
But he made the right decision,
He saved himself and others,
By dying with precision.
Suicide is duplicity,
A two sided sword.
But finding peace from all your troubles,
Shall be your reward.

Anonymous said...

Jason Weng
Bro. Rob Peach
ENG 141.British Lit

Deep within us all there's a battle raging,
A struggle between good and evil
Parrying each other’s attacks
Leaving behind a destructive conflagration
It's a look into our lives
Are we good, or are we evil?
Are we the heroes or the malefactors?
Which denizen of our soul is stronger?
Who will win the tug-of-war on this cord of our nature?
On the journey of self discovery we go
Searching for our essence, traits deeper than our countenance
Wondering if we'll ever know
Which side of our obscure personalities will show
I don't think it's possible
To just know what is right
we must live and we must learn
From experience comes insight
So when we begin to have qualms about our actions
And our conscience shows its ugly head
We just need to remember that we’re only human
And will be so until we’re dead

Chof03 said...

Michael Ceoffe
Bro. Robert Peach
British Literature
September 18, 2007
“A Man's Fallen Ambition“

An apothecary with dreams of duplicity of human nature,
turns himself into some kind of unmanning creature.
This metamorphoses is now in a irrevocable state,
his ambition turned into something he did not want to create.
He turned himself from a person that was somewhat gaunt,
into a malign character which to some people it did haunt.
An inexplicable side to a great man was created,
now this side a wicked malefactor must be sedated.

Anonymous said...

John Welch
Bro. Rob Peach
Brit Lit: Sect. 5
"Pride in Me"

What holds you from believing the truth you see

when your defeated stay conceited and at least you'll be

half-esteemed because your dream you gotta reach to reach

but in your mind you've achieved it so he don't need to teach/

how a man come with all this belief in he/

think he can pass, well don't you think I'd find that rash

living life so fast you wonder how he doesn't crash

and he thinks he's grown with oreos on his mustache

I'm not talkin about victory from black swimmers

I'm talking about not facing a loss trying to say that your a winner

Feeling like your strong enough to maintain stability

But even you know your in a state of debility

With a giant ego no way he's in the positive

hope that he knows he needs to be more demonstrative

Will he ever get it together only time could tell

But for now he's a denizen in "ahead of myself motel"

Maybe could be in the form of a minister

Because to him a good heart seems dismal and dinister

"Acounterment of cocky", saying he's rocky

So he has to keep the countenance that no one can stop me

He's trying to say they know who the best is

And expects them to sit with aquiescence

Turns to a conflagration of course they can't ignore

Pride is the problem and God is connoisseur

Doug said...

Douglas Bezeredi
Brother Rob Peach
Brit. Lit.
"Evil is irrepressible"

My debility to convey my true findings,
Hate has destroyed my original soul’s bindings;
My conscience’s disparity, of nothing but pure evil,
Through transformation brings my body great upheaval;
I can not disinter, my brain’s feelings of immortality,

My love for God is dismal,
Fresh hatred, celebrating in my evil baptismal,
My trust in God has been destroyed in extensive conflagration;
I doff my gold chain and my cross,

I utter sounds of pain,
The devil is my unfair connoisseur;
He says, straight up;
My evil is irrepressible.

Roscoe Rhoden said...

I suppose it's a poets focus to notice his real place/
"Disinterring" from the real from the real fake/
It’s from God's grace that his people should "demonstrate"/
Instead we let our demons teach our kids what to emulate/
They speak with "duplicity", we believe their lies/
We’re just "denizens" living in a city of pride/
We live in "disparity", inferior to them apparently/
But if you "doff" the surface carefully/
You’ll see that the "diaphanous" surface was masked away perfect/
So you'd frown like that clown at the circus/
They don’t want you to achieve, I remember I was barely thirteen/
No money, just a pen and pad to carry my dreams/
To be a rap "connoisseur", rapping on tour/
Now I’m so fly that my tracks can soar/
I guess that means God had this talent instilled in me/
that means if imp paralyzed i'm not a "debility"/
Between me and you, I’ll "convey" my soliloquy/
I try to live my life though these demons are killing' me/
With A "conflagration" of my heart and my soul through the changes/
But it’s worth it because in time God will give me his patience/
So it’s either step up or step to the side/
Will you forget your pride and let it subside? /
Or will you let it take the reins, while you're letting it ride? /
Would you die for a change like Jekyll and Hyde? /

Roscoe Rhoden said...